Earn Links You See, Sign, and Approve

SharpRocket is the only agency that offers risk-free link building services. You only get charged for links you see, sign, and approve.

Compared to other agencies that serve you on a monthly retainer with no assurance about how many backlinks and the quality of these links, we only get paid when we deliver.

We’ve manually scrutinized every domain to get the relevant, authoritative, and trusted links. As a general rule, we only get backlinks that are:

  • Contextually driven (link within the content)
  • Natural anchor text usage
  • Comes from a domain with Ahrefs’ Domain Rating of 25 or higher
  • It comes from a relevant website
  • Likely to get clicks (proper link placement on the page)

Start your link outreach campaign with us. And let us handle all the legwork to provide you with links that matter most to your business. Schedule your call today.

link outreach services uk

Risk-Free Link Outreach Process From Sharprocket

We don’t charge very affordable rates as we believe every great work requires substantial investments to take in and get results. All investment for link building campaign has its process, from how we vet potential websites to actually getting the links.


With our proprietary process and in-house tools, we identify the best possible sources for links. We define cohorts as audience segments our clients want to target as a user base for their business or brand. From there, we look at relevance as our primary core variable for prospecting. Our prospecting lists combine our past publisher relationships and new sites with growing traffic.

Stringent Qualification

We use metrics to qualify domains to ensure you get the highest value from every backlink investment. From industry-known metrics such as Ahrefs’ Domain Rating and SEMRush Estimated Organic Traffic to assess websites from a relevance and traffic perspective. We avoid websites with a history of algorithmic penalties (sudden drop of traffic) - this ensures the quality of backlinks delivered to you.

Content Creation

Your site must have a reason for other websites to link to you. It could be a content asset you recently created or one you’re willing to distribute to different publishers, hoping to get contextual links from their new or existing pages. Our team of seasoned content publishers will perform a content inventory of your site to determine assets that are worth linking to. We could take it to the next level by developing content assets to help you earn the link merit for your page/s.


In this last phase of our link acquisition campaign, we contact webmasters and publishers to propose collaborations to yield backlinks. It could be in the form of content, product reviews, or co-promotions of assets to arrive at a mutually beneficial partnership between your brand and the site, potentially hosting links. Given our over a decade of experience forging connections, we know what ticks webmasters in giving backlinks to others.

Should I Use a Freelancer, an agency or hire an in-house SEO?

This is one of the basic questions any business potentially investing in link building has to ask. The answers can vary depending on the type of business, the size of it, and the scope of work they’re looking into.

Here are some of the pros and cons of hiring each of these solution providers for your link outreach campaigns:

Freelancer Link Builder

Freelancers are typically working from home, handling two or more 3 clients. Since they don’t have to commute daily to work, businesses pay less for them. You have to strictly identify the competence of these freelancers, as some may not have undergone the systematized work in the office compared to in-house link building specialists. However, that is not to say they can’t be competitive enough to deliver what you need - from prospecting lists to sending out customized emails to potential link prospects. You just have to ensure their quality work through proper screening.

Link Building Agency

Link building agencies consist of 10 to 150 employees working inside the office with efficient systems and methodologies to guarantee the quality of their work. Most of them are legit with their operations, registered locally in the UK or in the country they’re in - some are not. Compared to freelancers, the excellent thing about link building agencies is that you can expect deliverables provided to you within the agreed timeline, given that they have the manpower to support the operations. It doesn’t stop if one employee gets sick, as they have the bandwidth of staff to take over.

In-house Link Building Specialist

As the name suggests, in-house link building specialists are search engine optimization professionals working in a company, primarily to optimize the business’ web properties from an off-page SEO perspective. Today, businesses already have their in-house professionals taking care of the link acquisition side of the campaigns. When hiring an in-house SEO to do link outreach service, you need to assess their substantial experience and track record. You should add someone to the team with enough expertise to deliver backlinks.

Link Outreach Services From The UK’s Most Reputable Link Building Agency

Given our reputation in the search marketing industry and brand recognition from top link intelligence tools such as Moz and Ahrefs, SharpRocket has proven its way of providing high-caliber link outreach services that improve rankings and search visibility of clients’ businesses.

Start your engagement with us and experience a breakthrough in search through risk-free link outreach services.



We’ll Be The Last Link Building Agency You Ever Work With

We help you hit your goals as fast you want. We’ll make sure you’re ahead of your competition.